Sunday, 31 March 2013

Alumnae Easter Party at the Zeta House

Some were creepy, some cute, and some were nearly falling apart. As I stared up at this assortment of Easter Bunny costume heads, my eyes finally fixed upon a newish looking pick bunny costume. I hurriedly found a sales associate and reserved the costume for March 24th, the fast approaching date of the first annual Zetas Alumnae Easter Egg Hunt…

Although I had the Easter Bunny costume reserved and ready to go, I still had a long list of tasks to accomplish before the hunt actually started. I ordered everything Easter themed I could find from, from a bunny ring toss, to colorable Easter egg wreaths. Next was the food. Obviously, I knew that no Easter Egg Hunt was complete without some sinfully sugary cookie concoctions, which I had designed by Polkadots. I had my bunny, crafts, games, and food, next was the hunt itself…

Sunday March 24th came fast. I arrived at the house early (is two and a half hours early a little too eager?) to set up. I opened my box of crafts and games and quickly pulled out the goodies inside. I soon found I had much more to do than planned (who knew assembly was required for a bunny ring toss?!) and quickly my Easter-induced cheer subsided in to outright panic. Luckily, my bestie, Lauren Fugitt (PC ’11), was already at the Zeta house and ready to stuff eggs with the chocolate treats Mom Marge supplied. Slowly, more Zeta helpers trickled in, wearing Zeta staple tees of course, and the hunt was ready to begin. We just needed some alumnae and their kids to show up…

The hunt’s official start time was 4, but there were a disturbingly small number of alumnae and their kids at the house until about 4:15. Finally, I unleashed the kids on the front and backyard to find as many eggs as their little hands could grasp. Naturally, the hunt lasted a grand total of ten minutes; kids are much faster than I gave them credit for…

Though the hunt was a ton of work and a little stressful at times, I had a blast planning it! I got some great pictures of kids with the Easter Bunny (aka Mckenzie Harrison-Bolen PC ‘12). Though I may have snapped a few pics of bawling twins (oops!), I think the Texas Zetas, alumnae, and their precious children can agree the Easter Egg Hunt was a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon!

Caroline Croskery
PC '11

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