Monday, 29 April 2013

Texas Cheer White Squad Rookie of the Year

Ever since I can remember, cheerleading has been a huge passion and influence in my life. Instead of going to parties and my own senior prom, I was going to cheer practice and competitions. And naturally, once I had been accepted into the University of Texas I began to prepare to try out for cheer at one of the best colleges in the state. After the nerve racking try out process it was to my surprise that I made the squad! I was on the all-girl team, White Squad, and couldn’t even being to control my excitement. I’m pretty sure after I found out I made the team, my mom bought everything she could get her hands on that was burnt orange or cheer related… once a cheer mom, always a cheer mom. At the beginning of the year when we first started cheer practice I didn’t quite realize what I was in for. Not only was I going to school and being a new member of a sorority, I was also balancing cheer practice three times a week. I was often sore from workouts and exhausted by the time it came around to studying, but none of that really mattered to me… I was getting to cheer at THE University of Texas, and that was pretty cool. On White Squad, I began my year as an alternate team member and didn’t really expect to get moved up or make it on the field to cheer at the football games. I just enjoyed being around my friends as well as keeping up with my cheerleading. To my complete and utter disbelief, when my coach was announcing the girls who would be cheering the first football game… my name was on the list! I seriously thought I was going to explode with excitement. I could not believe I would be cheering on DKR Field in front of thousands of people for the first football game of the season. That first game was probably the best and most exciting moment of my life.
Just imagine thousands and thousands of screaming Texas fans, being five feet away from the players, and looking up and seeing my friends and sisters waving down at me, it was incredible! After that game, I cheered every single home football game that season, I was incredibly lucky and blessed to have gotten the opportunity. That first year as a rookie on White Squad taught me a lot. I began the year as a main base, and then rotated to side basing. I had never based in my life so it was quite the challenge to grasp the technique and not be absolutely terrified to toss a girl ten feet in the air and then somehow manage to catch her. About half way through the year I was put in the position of a flyer in our two man stunts and also began to fill in the position of a back spot… you could say by the end of the year I knew every position pretty well. After a long year of football games, basketball games, volleyball games, as well as cheerleading appearances, we closed the year with our annual cheer banquet. Each year, there is one new member from each team who is awarded the “Rookie of the Year” award. Naturally, I never imagined I would get that award until all of a sudden our coach was calling my name and asking me to come up and receive my award. I was so surprised, happy, and not to mention honored to receive the “Rookie of the Year” award and it was so awesome to have my hard work and passion noted by my captains, team, and coach. Being a part of the Texas Spirit Program is one of the best things that could have happened to me and this year has been a whirlwind of new friends, new experiences, a lot of sweat and some tears, even more hairspray and fake eyelashes, and some pretty amazing memories. It was such an accomplishment to end this season with the Rookie of the Year award and I cannot wait to see where my time in this program will lead me and what else is in store for me as a Texas Cheerleader. 


Morgan Willett 

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